Why Choose Professional Property Maintenance?

Spotless cleaning

They say cleanliness is next to godliness and in this case, it's very true! A property rental must be kept up to hotel-like standards in terms of cleanliness. Guests don't want to feel like other people have been there.

Schedule Management

It can be difficult to coordinate schedules for house cleaners, especially if you are not in the same city as your property. We give you peace of mind by scheduling all cleanings shortly after your guests have checked-out.

Quality Work

If you're not around, how do you know if the level of care is there? By relying on our team of experts, you can be certain that you're being serviced by qualified personnel who know their field. We often find lack of communication is a concern for property owners--we're here to fix that.

Why SoCal.Host Property Management?

Qualified Staff

We have taken the time to pre-screen our team to ensure you're getting the best level of care for your property. All our staff is qualified to perform tasks as needed.


We rely on regular communication to keep our clients informed on the status of their property. Regular check-ins are key to our long-standing clients.

Better pricing

Since we have a team of qualified professionals, we can provide you with better service at a lower cost to you. It's a win-win for your property!

Ready to get started with professional property maintenance?

Give your back a rest. We've got you covered.